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Win £500 worth of Uhuru Botanicals Products

Win £500 worth of Uhuru Botanicals skin and haircare products

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

K Nichols, Great Yarmouth

Win £500 worth of Uhuru Botanicals skin and haircare products

Win a year-long subscription of natural and organic Uhuru Botanicals skin and haircare products worth £500.

For the lucky prize winner, new products will be delivered to your home every month from the range, which includes the best-selling Chebe hair butter and our favourite organic soothing body balm.

Uhuru means ‘freedom’ in the Kenyan dialect of Swahili. Our founder, Neo Chatyoka chose the name because she wanted to emphasise the importance of freeing your skin from products full of toxic chemicals.

Neo began making her own skincare products inspired by her search for soothing skincare solutions for her baby daughter Lulu’s eczema prone skin. Using the purest Shea Butter as the base ingredient and combining it with natural botanical oils from Africa, the product range soon expanded to include haircare.

Each product has been handcrafted with the finest natural and organic botanicals, derived from the rich soils of Africa. Our brand philosophy is that our skincare is multi-use, organic, natural, Vegan and ethically produced. Our skincare is carefully formulated to naturally cleanse, nourish, and restore the rich beauty of your skin.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 17/03/2022.


Win £500 worth of Uhuru Botanicals skin and haircare products x1