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Win a pair of Shokz OpenFit true wireless ear-buds

Win a pair of Shokz OpenFit true wireless ear-buds

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


Win a pair of Shokz OpenFit true wireless ear-buds

New Product from Shokz, OpenFit true wireless ear-buds are set to transform your daily listening experience with increased comfort and open-ear listening. Unlike other earbuds, OpenFit's unique design keeps your ear canal free of pressure or blockages so you can hear the world around you, as well as listen to your own tunes. An ergonomically shaped ear-hook keeps these lightweight buds securely in place, while the supersoft silicone means you will barely know they are there. Amazing sound quality with DirectPitchTM technology, crystal clear calls and 7 hours of battery-life (28 hours if used with the magnetic charging case) make these the perfect companion through all your activities.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 09/08/2023.


Win a pair of Shokz OpenFit true wireless ear-buds x1