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Win a holiday to Majorca


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

J Betts, Leamington Spa

A holiday to Majorca

Fun in the sun, thanks to Neutradol

Thanks to Neutradol, the fresh air specialists with a product for every smelly situation, you could win this wonderful holiday to Majorca.

An inviting Mediterranean Sea surrounds Spain’s largest Balearic Island, famous for oodles of tempting sandy beaches. Enjoy yacht spotting as you explore the Majorcan shoreline, dotted with pine tree-lined beach coves bathed in glorious sunshine.

You and your lucky guest will be staying at the four-star Beach Club Font de Sa Cala in picturesque Cala Ratjada. Enjoy views over a fine sandy beach that tumbles into the crystal-clear sea, all surrounded by stunningly beautiful gardens. Then grab a cocktail and head for the terrace to soak up the sun, or make a splash in one of the three refreshing pools. When you get back after the holiday you will want your home to have that summer holiday freshness.

And since the problems of COVID and the fear of more viruses in the future, we all want our homes to feel fresh and stay clean and free from bacteria. And to get rid of those unpleasant smells caused by lingering bacteria, you need Neutradol, which kills the molecules that cause bad odours. So using Neutradol, which is different to other brands that just cover up the smells with a synthetic perfume, you can be sure your home remains fresh and clean. Neutradol is safe and hygienic and, with over 50 different ingredients, it keeps killing bacteria and smells long after other air fresheners have stopped hiding odours with unpleasant chemicals. So to keep that holiday freshness and kill those smells use Neutradol, the world’s most effective air deodorizer.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/02/2023.


A holiday to Majorca x1