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Win Flowers For a Year!

Win flowers for a year!

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman Magazine - Woman's Own Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman Magazine (1 winner)


Win flowers for a year!

Woman's Own Magazine (1 winner)


Win flowers for a year!

To celebrate the release of The Start of Something by Miranda Dickinson, we've teamed up with HQ to give two lucky winners the chance to win a bunch of flowers every month for an entire year! To enter this fabulous competition all you have to do is answer the question below. Good luck!

Two lonely people.
One note in the window.
And what happens when they reach out…

Lachlan Wallace is stuck at home after a car accident stalled his army career. With months of physiotherapy still to endure and only his rescue dog and cat for company, he’s taken to gazing out of the window, watching the world spin on without him. And then he notices a vase of flowers on the windowsill of the apartment opposite his. Drawn to their hope and colour, he decides to reach out and sticks a message in his window…

Bethan Gwynne is a stranger in a new town. Bringing up her son Noah by herself, she is slowly rebuilding her life, but loneliness is one obstacle she has yet to overcome. She’s intrigued by a glimpse of her neighbour in the apartment across from hers – and then, one evening, she sees a message in his window just for her:

What are those flowers called? 

And so begins a love story of two people reaching out, daring to trust a stranger…

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 15/03/2022.


Win flowers for a year! x2