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Win a pair of emporia smartphones for your loved ones

2x emporiaSMART.5 smartphones

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Kenealy, Swindon

2x emporiaSMART.5 smartphones

This emporiaSMART.5 is changing how older generations use modern communications technology. It is an easy-to-use device, with simplified menus, large icons and a range of features tailored towards seniors.

Many have experienced the struggles of handing up elderly parents or friends a previously owned smartphone and trying to teach them to use it. It can be a nightmare and often ends up in them giving up on the device or only being able to carry out a few select tasks. Luckily, specialised smartphones are available that cater to the needs of seniors.

The SMART.5 carries the same functions as a traditional smartphone packaged up in a way that is easy to use. With the cover closed, users can still make or answer calls, and can adapt their own device to always show their favourite or most used functions. The triple-lens back camera system delivers incredibly detailed pictures including close up macro images, night shots and portraits. In addition, the device also has an 8MP front camera for selfies or video calls.

Features such as facial recognition, a QR code scanner and NFC (Near-Field Communication) for contactless payments make it the ideal device for today’s new world. The phone also comes with a 154-page printed training book that will take users new to smartphones through all the available technology at their own pace.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 09/06/2022.


2x emporiaSMART.5 smartphones x1