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Win a Domyos Exercise Bike 500, worth £499.99


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

H Richards, Edinburgh

Domyos Exercise Bike 500

The Domyos Training Exercise Bike 500 is one of Decathlon’s most stable bikes and is ideal for occasional to intense use for all abilities. Comfort is a priority when exercising, which this bike guarantees with its adjustable seat, non-slip handlebars and smooth pedalling.

The bike has an adjustable, multi-position comfy saddle and non-slip handlebar, plus the pedals have toe clips for support and can be changed with automatic pedals if needed. The bike’s steel frame and stabilisers are perfect for uneven floors and its front wheels mean it can be moved wherever you like.

Plus the console measures the intensity of your workout!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 02/02/2024.


Domyos Exercise Bike 500 x1