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Win £80 Spa Vouchers Thanks To Efamol Pure Evening Primrose Oil – 5 To Be Won

Efamol Pure Evening Primrose Oil

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Bad skin isn’t just resigned to your teenage years. Busy lives and rushed skincare regimes can mean that your skin is the last thing on your mind, and shelling out on expensive skin creams can sometimes worsen the problem.
It’s time to share the secret of smooth, healthy looking skin. To celebrate your natural beauty, we’re giving 5 lucky winners a 2 month supply of Efamol’s® Pure Evening Primrose Oil, and an £80 spa voucher each, to truly pamper themselves.  Efamol’s® Pure Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)  is one of the purest evening primrose oils available, as it contains 33% more gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) than other brands.
GLA is essential for skin structure, and retaining moisture. Efamol use a unique extraction process which gives the capsules a rich gold colour, a sign of quality and trust. Plus Efamol® Pure EPO has a proven safety record, a proven research heritage, and transparency of origin. That’s why it’s the only EPO in the world to have received prescription status.
Efamol® Pure Evening Primrose Oil is priced from £7.65 and is available from Boots, Waitrose, independent pharmacies and health food stores. To find out more about the secrets behind Efamol’s gold standard and to redeem a 25% discount (QUOTE SEED25) on Efamol EPO between April 1st – 30th Sept 2013, go to and register for your free packet of Evening Primrose seeds to grow your own beautiful primroses.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 16/05/2013.
