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Win an A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Woman Magazine - Woman's Weekly Magazine - Life Death Prizes - Celebs Now - What's On TV -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Woman Magazine (2 winners)

J Stoneham, Westbury

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

N Redfern, Reading

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

Woman's Weekly Magazine (4 winners)

C Pearson, ISLE OF MAN

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle


A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

T Scully, Romford

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle


A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

J Weeks, Faversham

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

Celebs Now (2 winners)

S Epps, Canterbury

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

S Hill, Stoke-on-Trent

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

What's On TV (1 winner)

T Baldwin, Newport

A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle

Right from the perimenopausal get-go, even the preliminary stage of menopause is, for many women, a time of considerable change and emotional upheaval – and incredibly, there’s still a whole myriad of symptoms that aren’t talked about nearly enough. 

Up to 40% of women will experience hair loss; depression is estimated to affect upwards of 70% of women; anxiety and paranoia creep up on you when you least expect it, sleep becomes ever-elusive and suddenly it’s nigh on impossible to maintain a healthy weight. 

Perimenopause Balance, Perimenopause Focus and Menopause Support have been developed by menopause experts A.Vogel, to help address some of these lesser-known, yet surprisingly common symptoms of perimenopause.

 Perimenopause Balance is great for flagging energy levels, providing much-needed minerals and electrolytes for improved energy and reduced fatigue. Available as an easy-to-take powder, Balance sachets are excellent for on-the-go. Simply add water and stir. Perimenopause Focus combines Passiflora and other calming herbs and minerals to help support the nervous system. Stress reduction during this challenging time is super important, as stress responses have such a negative impact on hormone balance. Both can be taken long-term if needed, and alongside other supplements or medication.

And for all-round support at all stages of menopause, there’s A.Vogel’s Menopause Support. It contains soy isoflavones which provide a source of gentle plant-based oestrogen for your body. These can be supportive when oestrogen levels are low.

 Win all three supplements, worth £50.97, by answering the following question:

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/04/2024.


A.Vogel Perimenopause Bundle x10